Sunday, May 25, 2008



Outside my Window... The sun is shining. The birds are eating at the feeder. I have a nest on my door! so mommy bird is feeding her young.

I am thinking...or perhaps pondering I'm so glad I have three days off this week

I am thankful for... my family and friends

From the kitchen... Pancakes and coffee fill the air. In the back ground a slight smell of a potroast cooking

I am creating... stichwork for christmas this year.

I am going... to be at the house today, I have one of my girls laying in bed needed help from her mom.

I am wearing...t shirt and soft pants I am reading...cook books looking for new ideas for my weekly menu

I am hoping..all our soldiers come home safe.

I am hearing... birds singing

Around the house ...hubby just went outside, the microwave bell lets me know it's done. Kaydy is asleep on the floor, big sister is in her bed.( the one I am taking care of this weekend)

One of my favorite things...the sound of clothes whipping in the air, going barefoot in freshly turned dirt.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... besides work, getting the house clean from this weekend. Getting ready for a yard sale.

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